Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Strategy, Strategy, Strategy

So I had the benefit of attending Social Media Week NYC's presentation on social media in the arts world last week, hosted by the Guggenheim.  All of the speakers were from the visual arts world, but much of what they addressed was completely applicable to those of us in the performing arts.  There wasn't anything particularly groundbreaking, but there were some key points worth passing along.

1. Organizational buy-in
It's important to educate the rest of your organization about social media, how you're utilizing it, and why its important.  Create advocates in each department that can act as ambassadors for any social media campaigns you engage in.

2. Content is King
As arts orgs, what we bring to the table is content, the art, and the artists for that matter.  Providing access to the artists and the art is what will engage people in your networks.  If you're giving them the inside scoop, they have a reason to continue to connect.

3. Strategize
You have to PLAN your social media campaign.  Objectives are vital, then you want to find connections and points of integration for the projects you embark on at your organization.  (Hashtags for each production anyone?) 

And with that, I leave you with this genius video some consultant put together that, I feel, is a great visual breakdown of social media to share with your organization: