This is just a thought I've been toying around with for a few weeks now, but I wanted to throw it out there and get a conversation going.
photo borrowed from |
I feel as arts organizations have ventured into the realm of new and social medias that they're going in with the mindset of "reaching the audience" and "interacting with our audience", which is an extremely valuable and sensible goal. Isn't audience engagement also part of the donor cultivation strategy? Isn't social media a great way to connect with our tech savvy donors (who are actually of all ages because lets face it, most industries are way ahead of us when it comes to technology, regardless of whether they are millenials or boomers)? Wouldn't a donor feel more connected with your organization if they were directly interacting with you everyday?
If you work for an arts organization, or any nonprofit for that matter, that's utilizing social media in your development strategy I would love to hear from you. Comment here, tweet me @thecastparty or shoot me an email at Let's talk!
Glad to see more folks out there with this line of thinking! I think most of us are still getting our feet wet, but I'm glad to have more folks talking about it so we can all get better!